Lose Belly Fat in 7 Days At Home Fast And Easy


We love sharing our favorite workouts, easy kitchen recipes and healthy ways to eat for the new year! Today we are giving you some of these ideas! When it comes to losing belly fat, most people struggle with weight loss and dieting due to increased hunger and cravings. Some may also experience low energy levels caused by stress and lack of sleep which can lead to other health issues. Here we will give some tips on how to lose belly fat fast at home in 7 days. Also be sure to check out my FREE Guide to Lose Stubborn Body Fat & Stop Feeling Hungry For Weight Loss.

1 – Eat a high-protein meal before your workout or if you have a large evening snack. Protein has many beneficial effects on the body including providing essential amino acids that are needed to repair cells (1). If you do not consume sufficient protein within an entire day then try eating a high protein breakfast and lunch to start your day off right. This will help to increase the rate at which you burn calories while maintaining a consistent caloric deficit. You should aim to consume about 25 grams of protein per pound of your body weight each day. Try eating eggs for breakfast to get the protein in your system as well as chicken or turkey for lunch. Most people do not get enough protein through their meals and instead of using this protein powder or shakes which can contain excessive amounts of sugar, you could consider making homemade shakes with no added sugar or soy-based ingredients. Always make sure you are consuming the recommended daily allowance per day.

2 – Snack between meals. Studies show snacking is important as it helps keep hunger from creeping back into the body throughout the day (2). Make sure that you have snacks available in between meals so you are less likely to feel hungry later in the day. Eating between meals helps prevent overeating which means you tend to eat smaller portions throughout the day.

3 – Keep foods such as fatty foods (coconut and palm oil) away from your meal. Avoid eating all fatty foods in one sitting even if they are healthy in nature. These fats make up nearly 20% of your total calories and if they are not burned away during digestion, they build up to a significant amount. It is estimated about 15 million Americans are affected by excess oils in their diets. Limit the amount of time you spend on oily foods and only have them once every two weeks. Even though many things can cause excess oils in the body, the main culprit is processed meats like bacon, ham, sausage, salami, hot dogs, deli meats, etc., especially those labeled "low cholesterol". Instead of putting these foods in your shopping cart when looking for food, choose healthier options. You can purchase reduced fat versions of these kinds of products like hummus, yogurt, plain unsweetened nut milk, cottage cheese, etc.

4 – Drink water or herbal tea before you go to bed. The goal here is to drink six to eight glasses of fluids before you go to bed every night. Water helps to restore fluid balance in the body, helping your body regulate blood pressure and promote proper hydration (3). Tea contains caffeine which gives you an immediate boost of energy. Drinking tea before bedtime will also help reduce stress levels and help you get to sleep faster.

5 – Get a good night's rest. One study found that it takes 12 to 14 hours for your body to repair itself after a long night's sleep (4). Lack of sleep leaves you feeling tired more frequently throughout the day, leading to fatigue and irritability. Getting a full seven to nine hours of sleep per night will ensure that your muscles and organs receive adequate rest. Do not eat any sort of caffeinated beverages before going to bed, but always try and stay away from caffeinated drinks before noon which will increase energy consumption throughout the day. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided too.

6 – Avoid drinking excessive alcohol. Heavy alcohol consumption causes the liver to produce toxic substances, potentially causing cancer. Alcohol also inhibits activity in certain hormones which makes your brain function slower. On average, an adult has 10 -15 drinks per week (5). Avoid consuming alcohol one hour prior to bedtime. An hour is enough time to eliminate that first glass and the second glass can actually increase your chances of falling asleep! Remember to avoid intake of liquor or wine as this could actually keep your metabolism slowed down, cause you to gain weight, slow down muscle growth in the body, and in turn affect the overall metabolic process. A study found that women who consumed more than three alcoholic drinks per day were 19 percent more likely to develop breast cancer (6,7), however, men had an 18 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who drank six drinks but did not consume more than five drinks per day!

8 – Reduce processed food intake. Processed foods are usually high in sodium and carbohydrates, and lack of fiber and protein. As your body doesn't process the nutrients correctly these foods won't provide the benefits that they could provide. Processing foods are not very good for us and if we don't eat them properly, they can contribute to our weight gain. Consider cutting back on fried foods or anything that isn't fresh! Find recipes that use lean meat and vegetables. Choose whole foods. No white breads, pasta dishes, cookies, sweets, candy, frozen dinners, microwaveable meals, ready to heat meals, ready to eat, takeout, quick restaurant meals, and instant noodles.

9 – Eliminate sugary sodas, juices, sweet teas and soft drinks. Sugary drinks like soda pop, fruit punch, sports drinks, flavored waters, energy drinks, etc., are not good for us because they contain excessive loads of sugar and artificial sweeteners. Although they might taste good in small quantities, we need to switch them out with pure water, unsweetened drinks, watermelon juice, iced tea, seltzer, smoothies, cold brew coffee, herbal teas, green tea, natural coconut juices. Be aware of your level of physical activity as people who exercise regularly tend to have lower body weights than inactive individuals. People who exercise regularly tend to have lower body weights than those who don't exercise physically enough. Exercising helps boost serotonin production which means you will naturally become happier and experience decreased anxiety. If you are sedentary then find ways to fit in some exercise such as walking around your neighborhood or taking part in household chores such as washing windows or sweeping the lawn. There are many different exercises that you could incorporate into your routine such as yoga or Pilate. Many of these exercises are great for reducing abdominal fat since they engage the core muscles while strengthening the muscles of the stomach and upper back. Yoga and pilates can be incorporated into your weekly workout routine if the current fitness level of your body allows. However, you should never start doing strenuous intense cardio training, running, cycling or any type of aerobic exercise without consulting a qualified personal trainer. If you want to perform certain activities at a higher intensity, seek professional guidance. Doing strength exercises alone before performing other types of exercises may compromise your safety. Since some types of exercising such as jumping rope, swimming or stationary cycling at moderate speeds are better choices and are safe for children in addition to adults, it is best practice to consult with a PT to ensure there are no injuries caused while engaging in these specific activities. Check out my Video below to learn more about Exercise Safety.

10 – Listen to positive music before bed. Music releases endorphins which can help calm people down, relax them and reduce stress. They can also induce feelings of relaxation and enhance memory (8). Listening to uplifting songs which are both entertaining and relaxing is one way to destress and improve your overall mood. While listening to uplifting music, remember to avoid negative lyrics as they can send negative messages to your mind. Not only does listening to uplifting music increase happy hormones, it also prevents pain, increases confidence, decreases stress, improves focus, reduces heart rate, boosts self-esteem, promotes creativity, and decreases fatigue. So listen to what you enjoy and find something to set the tone for the rest of your day!

11 – Consume antioxidant rich fruits and vegetable juices before having any meals. Fruits and veggies contain various chemicals called polyphenols found in green or red leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, seeds, olive oil, olive oil salad dressing and honey. Polyphenols act as antioxidants which have anti-inflammatory properties and neutralizes harmful free radicals, which are unstable atoms that build up over time. Apples, blueberries, papayas, oranges, kiwifruit, garlic, broccoli, tomatoes, pears, lemons, apples, oranges, grapefruit, mangoes, cranberries, raspberries, plums, pomegranate, brazil nuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc., are among the most nutritious ingredients in these juices. Just make it a point to include these delicious but nutrient dense ingredients in your regular grocery store shopping list.

12– Eat raw vegetables. Raw vegetables like steamed potatoes, squash, carrots, peppers, onions, celery, spinach, cucumber, artichokes, zucchini, cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum, Brussels sprouts, baby kale and collards, parsley, kale, mustard greens, celery, dandelion greens, etc., are loaded with essential vitamins B, C, D, folate, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin and iron. Eat these raw vegetables several times a week to maintain a balanced nutrition and protect against common diseases like constipation, rashes, allergies, diabetes, headaches, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, hemorrhoids, scurvy, ulcers, etc. It is important to eat a variety of raw vegetables because different ones contain special dietary components that provide additional benefits. By eating a few


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